Swarm Dashboard

The Swarm dashboard offers vital insights into key metrics, such as availability, data durability, and network latency, including real time data and historical trends.

Network Availability

Network reliability as measured by upload and download success rates accross all neighborhoods without respect to long-term retrievability.
100 %
24 Hour Neighborhood Download Availability Rate
100 %
All Time Neighborhood Download Availability Rate
100 %
24 Hour Neighborhood Upload Availability Rate
99.99 %
All Time Neighborhood Upload Availability Rate
Daily Neighborhood Download Availability Rate (Percent / Day)
Daily Neighborhood Upload Availability Rate (Percent / Day)

Data Durability

The retrievability of both chunks and large files over extended time periods.
100 %
24 Hour Chunk Retrieval Success Rate
100 %
24 Hour File Retrieval Success Rate
Daily Chunk Retrieval Success Rate (Percent / Day)
Daily Large File Retrieval Success Rate (Percent / Day)


Network response time and download speeds for both single chunks and large files.
166.51 ms
24 Hour Average Chunk Retrieval Time
152.19 ms
All Time Average Chunk Retrieval Time
0.67 MiB/s
24 Hour Average Download Speed of Large Files
0.7 MiB/s
All Time Average Download Speed of Large Files
Daily Average Chunk Retrieval Time (Milliseconds / Day)
Daily Average File Download Speed (MiBps / Day)